
Mice seem to be everywhere in our house during the cold months of Connecticut. My heart goes out to these poor, little creatures. After all, they’re just trying to stay warm. Over the years, we’ve found them in two usual spots. But recently, a mouse turned up in the strangest place yet.

First, they’ve always loved the attic—Many nights, especially in winter, I lie in bed and hear a little mouse party up above. Strangely, the soft, scrabbling noise of these little critters doesn’t bother me. They’re just trying to survive. That said, the other day I had an exterminator come and check it out. I wanted to make sure it was mice and not a family of wolverines.

He confirmed, it was indeed, mice. Apparently, they love nesting in the insulation. I know, ick to many people, but I’m one of the few women who don’t go running and screaming from tiny rodents. Although I find them cute, enough was enough. The bait he used will drive them outside and now that the weather is warmer, I don’t feel guilty.

And yes, there’s the kitchen cupboards—This is where I get less tolerant of my four-legged friends. Sometimes I’ll see droppings in a kitchen drawer and know that mice have raided the pantry. I suspect they’re lured by the smell of potholders with their hints of something yummy pulled from the oven. I’ve had to be very careful keeping these items clean and buying new ones over the years.

Once again, I called the exterminator, who left bait to drive the mice outside. All has been clear, but when we get to November next year, I’ll be on the lookout.

But then, there was the strangest spot of all—Recently I went to get my car checked when the mechanic gave this odd, unexpected message: “You have signs of mice in your air filter.” Say what? Mice are now in my car? Good God, the thought of a mouse running around my engine was too much, even for me. What if it popped onto my lap when I was driving?

The mouse must have gotten in when the car was parked in the garage. I heard this happens mostly to junked vehicles. Although I don’t drive long distances, I drive each day. How did a mouse get into my air filter?

One thing I’ve learned over the years—these creatures are wily, tenacious, and apparently, creative. Nothing stops them. Not insulation, wood, not even car metal.

Sigh. That’s life in the country. If we lived in the city, we’d have cockroaches, much less cute. If I have to choose a pest, I’ll pick the mice.


Do you have trouble with critters? Comments are always welcome, and if you’d like, subscribe to my free newsletter. You’ll always get an animal story, links to blog posts, and the latest news!


    • Carol A Cassara

    • 3 weeks ago

    I’d pick mice. I hate the idea of kiilling them. Cockroaches are a different story!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Carol, I can’t bear to kill anything, especially cute, furry mice. I will admit, I’m not as nice to houseflies and ants.

    • Lauren

    • 3 weeks ago

    Critters freak me out. Cockroaches more so. I remember as a young girl (maybe 10) being on a road-trip with my BFF and her parents in their station wagon and from the back seat I saw a mouse peak up from the dashboard. I screamed. My friend’s dad was not pleased. That was when I learned they do indeed hide under the hood.

    I don’t think we have mice but this makes me want to get a cat.

      • Alana

      • 3 weeks ago

      I am a screamer when it comes to mice. Fortunately, my husband is less squeamish. On the other hand, my late massage therapist, who passed away last week, actually trapped some mice (humanly) and kept them as a project for his children as he was a homeschooler. The pests I really war with are squirrels, who dig into my outdoor flower pots, and chipmunks. But I don’t harm either. I love watching both. Alana ramblinwitham

        • Alana

        • 3 weeks ago

        Sigh…my massage therapist passed away last year, not last week . I hadn’t used him recently, so I never knew what happened with his mouse project.

          • Laurie Stone

          • 3 weeks ago

          Alana, He sounds like a gentle soul and such a cool teacher to his children.

        • Laurie Stone

        • 3 weeks ago

        Alana, I know gardeners who proudly proclaim how much they love to kill the chipmunks that get in the way. I can’t imagine.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Lauren, A mouse in the backseat of a car would’ve freaked me out too. Very unexpected.

    • Pennie Nichols

    • 3 weeks ago

    It’s been a while since the field mice from the arboretum behind our house have brave the journey across our yard. Our cat Rosie is not a gentle gatekeeper.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Pennie, It would be brave indeed to provoke Rosie, or any cat at all for that matter.

    • Nancy Hill

    • 3 weeks ago

    Grew up on an old fashioned farm. Mice have been the bane of sedentary folks since the first humans figured out seed harvesting, storage and planting. And with that came cats hanging around and deciding to domesticate us for our skill in attracting little grain-eating creatures. 10,000 years later my urban dwelling house cat, Zippy, has no need for unprepared meals – fur! yuck! but her wild entertainment preferences keeps mice, geckos, and misguided crickets down to near zero. Here in Tucson, the absolutely adorable Pack Rat eating the insulation surrounding our trucks wiring has taught me to act viciously with the help of St. Gertrude.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Nancy, I’m sure Zippy keeps all the little creatures in line. I miss having a cat for many reasons, although we still had mice even though we had cats. I think ours were old and lazy.

    • Beth Havey

    • 3 weeks ago

    Maybe your mice are relatives of my mice. One night, a tail is waving from the upper cabinet in our kitchen!! NO, they may be cute, but
    they also carry germs. We had to get an exterminator…and this was a first for us in this house. Now they have found other places to
    live. Sorry, Mice. You are cute, but ….

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Beth, Yes, letting the mice run amok is not going to happen. Seeing a tail from a cabinet would’ve freaked me out.

    • Diane

    • 3 weeks ago

    Sigh. When we lived in the country, we had to get creative or we would have been overrun! Mice everywhere. The worst was when they got into our brand new car! (The only time in our lives we were able to buy a car brand new…) Husby live-trapped 17 mice in that car. Ugh.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Diane, 17 mice! In a car! I can see how you guys had no choice. The mice would’ve taken over.

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